Saturday, May 1, 2010

Last soccer game of the spring.

It seems that another season of soccer is behind us. I once again was honored with the privilege of coaching. I truly do love coaching and watching the kids grow during the season. It is amazing how much better Ryan is this Spring than he was just last Fall. I once again managed to have a "Bad News Bears" team. We didn't score a goal all season....well until today that is. And to make it even better it was Ryan that scored our only goal!!!! The upside for me is that I can tell my kids all have a good solid understanding of the fundamentals of the game...and of course they have more fun than the other teams because they have nuttiest coach in the league.

Late in the 4th quarter down by probably 5 goals, Ryan is determined.

He shoots...HE SCORES!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoying a snack after the game.

I figure I should document all the kids names while I can still remember them. From left to right...Christian, Jake, Josue, Luke, Jordan, Mary , Coach Sean, Tyler, Lucia, Emmet, Brayden, Ryan

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