The girls went shopping and the boys went golfing. We drove past this cool looking dinosaur mini golf place on our Ride the Ducks excursion earlier in the week so we decided to check it out.
Papa attempted to keep score for about two holes then realized it was not worth the effort. The kids didn't care and Grandpa and Daddy were so terrible it didn't make much difference.
We came out of this tunnel through the middle of the volcano and looked straight ahead at a GIANT mechanical T-Rex. He was really cool looking and the boys were definitely checking him out. The "scary" part is that he had a boot and what looked some tattered clothes in his mouth.
This gives you and idea of how large that T-Rex is. If you look closely in his mouth you can see the boot on the right side. Notice the climber on the wall is missing his right foot. His pants were all shredded and bloody.
This is the front of the house we stayed in. The boys loved that there was a bridge to get to it.
For our last night we went out for ice cream, then stopped by the dam on the way back. Didn't have the camera, so these are from my phone.
We walked down to the water (88 degrees) and the boys decided to stick their feet in. Luckily they were wearing their water shoes. Note that Eric is getting a tad wet here - haha.
SILVER DOLLAR CITY!!! Even while melting, it was still fun.
It was actually raining when we got there, so no rides were running, but luckily that passed quickly
Seriously - could we find a smaller horse for Sean?
The flooded mines ride was really cool! Everyone in the boat had a gun to shoot at targets
Anyone else find this scary?
Both boys thought this was cool - you could roll/rotate this giant marble ball since it was covered with water
We had to wait a while for the train - the conductor came over and let the kids wear his hat
We were held up by bandits while on the train
Ryan holding up his hands
This area was sooo cool! There were hand crank water canons on the sidewalks and you could spray the people on the boats as they went by. Only problem was, they had cannons too :)
I was actually quite impressed with Ryan, I think we have hit another milestone. He has never liked being sprayed with water, NEVER. He always wants to be in control of where the water is. The first time he got sprayed here, he started to cry. However, he went back and had a BLAST!
Not sure if you can tell how soaked he is here.
Papa decided having an umbrella would really help his cause.
Ryan, Sean, Papa and I all rode the boat after this. We were absolutely drenched. Grandpa manned the guns on the side and followed us throughout the whole ride. He was a tad wet as well! It felt great in the heat, and Ryan had so much fun.
Ryan and Sean wanted to ride the BIG swings, while they waited, Eric decided he should ride too, so Grandma took him. This is when my camera decided it was out of batteries. And believe it or not I could NOT find a gift shop anywhere in this area to buy more batteries. BAH. So I didn't get a picture of Eric and Grandma.
The rest of these were taken with my phone, not the best, but better than I thought they would turn out.
Grandma and Eric decided to ride the frogs. We STILL hear about the frogs to this day. I think this was the highlight of the day for Eric.
Not sure if you can hear Eric as he comes around, but he is saying "I hoppin'"